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How to stop a girl you like, talk to her & collect her number in 5mins - Guaranteed.

Article written by author and relationship expert, Charles Nneji. Read below...
In this post I’m going to reveal to you 3 tricks that you can use to approach any girl, talk to her, get her number and leave and she won’t know that you just toasted her. I know, it sounds confusing right? Stay with me, you will get this. This article might seem long for some people, but trust me, if you are looking for a way to always get the girls you like to like you back The Very First Time you walk up to them then this would be the most powerful blog post you will ever read this whole year. First, let me introduce myself.

My name is Charles Nneji; Author of “The Bang Rule…ultimate guild of seduction for men”, Africa’s number one ebook on dating for men. The Bang Rule has sold in over four African countries, including Nigeria, and has helped thousands of men find love.

 I’m also the owner of  (The number one relationship Advise website for men here in Nigeria)

Also, SOME of my articles have been featured here on this blog. Here they are. 

Now, with that out of the way…

Back To What I Was Saying….

One painful thing you might be going through right now is seeing pretty gorgeous girls you would like to talk to but due to fear of been insulted or embarrassed by the babe, what you do is to allow that fear make you not to make a move on her at all.

Sometimes these girls are not just pretty but friendly also, yet, the very thought of walking up to her and starting a conversation makes your heart pound, with sweat pouring down your face.

Then after you have succeeded in convincing yourself not to approach her, you go home and imagine all the things you would have said if only you had approached her

It’s absolutely normal, I know how you feel – every guy feels that way from time to time.

But you know what; using these secrets I am about to reveal right here you would be able to walk up to any girl no matter how classy she is and get her number and she would be happy to give it to you, even if you two just met. With this secret you won’t be afraid of getting embarrassed by a girl ever again.

Now, let’s begin…

Forget whatever you’ve been told while growing up

The Step By Step Formula To Use In Approaching Girls Is This:

#1. Approach with an Ice breaker.
#2. Make a Rapport
#3. Inject player’s conversational skills
#4. Take her number and leave.

Now; I will take number one first

1.   Approach With An Ice-breaker

You see, most guys still approach girls with the same methods they used as teenagers.

For instance; they walk up to a girl, tell her they like her and expect her to drop her number into his phone.

Haba na, na jaz?

Here is the hard truth, bro…so far she is more than 18, no girl will type her phone number into your phone just because you told her you like her. Not unless you are Michael Jackson or Jay Z.

Here is why:

One; Girls hear “I like you” all the time. It doesn’t work anymore. It worked when she was in secondary school but after two heartbreaks her eyes have cleared my guy.

Two; when you tell a girl that you like her she will automatically begin to play hard to get – that is what she was trained to do from when she started getting her first toasters. She has always been told that if she gives in to you easily then she would seem cheap. So when you approach her and start telling her how much you love her her natural reaction would be to play hard to get.

So here is the deal, If you don’t use “ice breakers” when walking up to a girl she would either not take you seriously, or she would be rude to you or she would just plainly ignore you.

So What Are Ice Breakers And How Can You Use Them?

They are just tricks or excuses you use just to talk to a girl and to lower her defenses.

Let me give you real life examples: when you walk up to a girl and say something like;

“hi, I will be quick with this – I was having an argument with a friend and he said girls are more interested in money than love, you seem smart, I think your answer would make sense – what do you think, money or love – which works for you girls?”

I know; it’s long abi?

But guess what, it always works – every single time.

Nine times out of ten, this simple question has always led to a girl blabbing about how love is more important or money is more important (it never fails for me).

After she has blabbed on a bit; here is the next trick – smile, say something like – “wow, that was so insightful, you be great analyser sha. My friend really needs to hear you speak – I would love to continue this conversation some other time, gat to run now”

Then bring out your phone and add: “call your number, please”

This is basic psychology – when you ask a girl for her phone number in this way she would have little resistance giving you her number.

This is why:

One; You have tricked her into believing you just want her number to further the conversation and If she says no then it would seem like she is taking the whole interaction far too seriously.

Two; she doesn’t have to play hard to get because you gave her the impression that you only need her opinion, and not her number so you can “woo” her.

This is major trick of all these players who effortlessly get girl’s number – there is nothing special about them, they just know these things. That’s all. And they know that they have to get a girl’s numbers first before they start working on getting her to fall for them.

But If you just walk up to a girl you just met, sing “love poems” for her and expect her to drop her number for you then you go beg tire o.

(I gave more examples of ice breakers in my e-book, The Advanced Bang Rule, to get it call my sales manager Nonso on 07031839129 or send a watsapp message to 08158068422)

But for the above trick to really work you have to add these other two tricks. Namely;

#2. Make a Rapport

#3. Inject player’s conversational skills


Some days ago, i had gone to a shopping mall with a friend and we were in line to buy fresh bread from the bakery inside the mall. Somewhere in the front was this very pretty gorgeous classy babe – she was extremely hot.

At that point i felt like i had to know her. So i walked up to her, initiated a conversation, had her laughing like crazy and by the time i was done she gave me her number and asked me to call her up anytime.

When i got back to my friend, his jaws were dropped in surprise and he asked me: “how did you do that, na risk you take o – in front of all these people na him you go chyke that kind babe?’’

I laughed.

That is what guys don’t get.

The thing is this; i didn’t woo that girl. I just talked to her.

Let me explain;

 If I had walked up to that very pretty girl and say “babe, I like you. can i have your number?” – She is likely going to ignore me. Do you know how many guys say that to her every freaking single day? – in real life, on her social media account, in her street.

If i had opened my mouth to say something sweet to her or to say something she hears all the time like – “you are beautiful, i like you”, definitely she would embarrass me. Of course she knows she is beautiful, she has been hearing that since she was 5.

Can’t you see?

If you stop a girl on the road and start saying “i like you” she go bone you, that is how she has to behave – she has to act like she is not cheap and the way to show everybody who is around when you walked up to her that she is not cheap is to wash you down or ignore you or be rude to you.

Don’t you get it?

So all i did was to approach her and used this ice breaker – “Hi, i’m having a hard time picking. i need female advice right now – which of those pastries on that counter tastes better – the meat pie, the bread or that fish roll over there”

I didn’t even introduce myself, but she was glad to help. She started gushing about what i should take, what i shouldn’t take, what i should leave, etc.

Don’t you get it, she can’t say – “free me, what kind of question is that”. Girls like to show that they know about something

Then as the conversation was going on i injected this tip #2 i am about to reveal right now – CREATING RAPPORT.

Here is what creating rapport basically means; it is the art of talking to a girl like she is a long lost friend you are seeing after 5 years, even though you two have just met

How do you do this?

Simple – by making her laugh.

Let me tell you one very important thing; the moment you walk up to a girl and make her laugh – just one laugh from her, it releases a chemical in her brain that automatically takes down her defense and make her see you as a friend – that is the simple way to create rapport.

And guess what; it is super easy to make a girl laugh.

When that very pretty girl was pointing out what to buy and what not to buy all i did to make her laugh was to smile and say: “jeez, i think i will make you my special adviser on pastries, you know this things inside out”

She laughed and then said: “No na, it’s just that i come here regularly. I know their stuff”

Was what i said that funny?

No, it wasn’t. As a matter of fact it isn’t. Once i said that, we immediately started flowing like friends.

So why then did she laugh. It is just simple year one psychology – when someone is helping you out with something and you tease them on how well they helped you with that thing then they would automatically laugh – not because what you said was funny but because it is just normal to laugh over things like that.

Take for instance; if someone asks you to help him with your pen and after giving him your pen he says: “guy, this your pen make sense o. like say you import am sef”.

What would be your reaction? To frown? Of course not, you will laugh and say something modest.

Was it funny to say your pen looks imported? NO. But you still laughed.

Hope you get it now.

Once you make a girl laugh; the chemical is released in her brain that basically tells her: “alright, i am comfortable with this guy”. When her brain begins to respond this way and you use the style of number collection i explained in tip 2, there is no way she is turning you down.

But you also need to add the third trick. I explained trick three in my ebook – Advanced Bang Rule.
In fact, I gave more in-depth explanation about how to create rapport with girls and make them laugh in my ebook Advanced Bang Rule.
Also, in my ebook Advanced Bang Rule I explained 3 secret ways you can use to talk to girls and get them to fall crazily in love with you. Not just that you will also learn some real underground psychological tricks that you can use to turn a casual female friend into a lover. Plus lots lots more.
But Note….
Due to some issues we had in the past, out of the thousands of guys reading this right out; only 87 guys will be allowed to get this ebook. And you must be more than 18 years to get it.

Just so you get a glimpse of effective what you are about to get is, here is a message I got from one of the guys who I gave this same advice you are about to get....

Just To Show You How Effective What I Teach Really Is, Here is more....

Alright, with that out of the way, let me take this further by showing you what and what exactly you will discover in the power program.
Inside the eBook, I revealed…
  • The main reason why girls play hard to get. Hint: Knowing these reasons will put you at an advantage over other guys who don’t know about it…. Pages 14-15
  • The 7 main things that is stopping a girl from taking an interest in you and how to eliminate them. These 7 things are the things you do that is making girls say No to you when you ask them to be your girlfriend… Pages 14
  • The 4 powerful things that you need to know which will completely change your mindset, make you more attractive and land you a pretty girlfriend in the next 30 days or less… Pages 27-30
  • The number one reason why you run out of what to say when wooing a girl and what you need to do that will make you easily and smoothly have an interesting conversation with women… Pages 31 – 35
  • The 3 secret reason why girls play hard to get and how to make sure you overcome them…. Pages 35-39
And of course, this only just the beginning. I will Also show you...
  • One thing you need to do first before finally letting a girl know that you like her. If you don’t get to do this ONE THING then girls will always turn you down when you woo them… Pages 41
  • Six mindblowing steps you need to follow in order to enter any girl’s head, make her drop her defences and have sex with you in the next 30 days or less… Pages 42.
  • Two qualities that would instantly turn you into a ladies’ magnet if you add them to your personality. Even a shy guy can EFFORTLESSLY use this to make a girl chase him…. Page 44
  • The little tricks most guys don’t know that you can use to make a girl want to date you – even if she already has a boyfriend…. Pages 44 – 46
  • How to turn a girl’s interest in you into full blown love. Hint: If you’ve been using my other tips in the past to make a girl pick interest in you, then you will double her interest and drive her crazy about you just by throwing in this one too… Pages 79 – 85
  • The first thing you need to do if you want a girl who is just your friend to kiss you or become your lover… Pages 56 -57
  • Two sure fire way, with examples, that you can use to trick a girl’s mind into seeing you as someone 100 percent better than the rest of the guys in her life… Pages 53-56 and Pages 61 – 66.
  • Four signs to look out for if you want to know, for sure, that a girl likes you…Page 58
  • The correct way to let a girl know that you like her if you want to tie her down to yourself for life. Guaranteed. Hint: most guys will never know about this till they die.
  • Four things that can spice up your relationship right now and make a girl happy she is dating you. This four things could get a girl really addicted to a you and the relationship… Pages 74
And there is more. You will also discover...
  • How to make a girl who likes tall guy to like you if you are average height or short… Pages 82 – 84
  • One little secrets and tricks that you can use right now to make a girl always think of you… Pages 84 – 85
  • One thing you should NEVER do if you really want a girl to have sex with you. Do it and you will kill every single chances of her ever having sex with you in her whole life. Hint: I can bet my every single penny that you are making these same mistakes right now… Page 87
  • The right way to make a girl want to have sex with you. This is one secret that you can use to turn a girl on and make her horny whenever she is with you…. Pages 88
  • How to walk up to a girl, talk to her, make her laugh and get her number in 10 minutes or less… Pages 92 – 101
  • How to talk to a girl that will make her see you as a more attractive guy…. Pages 102 – 114
  • Loads and loads of real life examples that wasn't added in The Bang Rule, that you can use to get a girl to like you.
  • Some little things you can do that will make a girl allow you into her heart; even if she went through heart break the day before… Pages 115
  • Plus lots lots more….
You Will Also Get Three Additional Free Bonus eBooks If You Buy The Advanced Bang Rule

Bonus One: “Complete List of What To Say To A Woman You Are Approaching For The First Time”…. By Charles Nneji

In this particular book I exposed:
  • 3 things you need to do when you approach a girl if you want her to like you and give you her number – guaranteed.
  • How to approach a girl in a party and the exact thing to say to make her like you & give you her number
  • How to Approach A girl In a restaurant, bus, church and the exact thing to say to make her like you and give you her number.
  • How to Approach A Girl you meet in a street or a girl who is walking in the mall and the exact thing to say to make her like you and then collect her number.
You Will Also Get Another Bonus Free eBook.
  • BONUS TWO: “Every Fuck Ups A Woman Can Give You And How To Handle Them Like A Real Pro”… By Charles Nneji

In this particular eBook I revealed
  • What to do if a girl doesn’t show up of a date that will make her respect you more
  • What to do if a girl doesn’t return your calls or reply fast to your chats and messages.
  • What to do if a girl refuses to kiss you that will make her irresistibly kiss you when next try.
  • What to do if other guys are wooing a girl you like that will make her respect and like you more than those other guys.
  • How to ask a girl to be your girlfriend that would make her say yes without even thinking about it.
  • What to do if a girl starts losing interest in you that will bring her back.
There IS Also Another Free Bonus Ebook I’ll Give To You - The Third one
  • Bonus Three: “How To Kiss A Woman Like She Has Never Been Kissed Before…secrets that will make her addicted to your lips”… By Charles Nneji

In this particular one, I will show you.
  • Some helpful proven scientific secrets you never knew about sex and how it makes a woman fall in love.
  • One little simple test you need to carry out on a girl that will show you the right time to kiss her so she will kiss you back without resisting
  • Things you should avoid doing by all means when kissing a girl for the first time.
  • The right way to kiss a girl that will get her horny and wet
  • Plus lots more
Plus there is still more...
You see; I'm very sure you will enjoy what you will discover in The Advanced Bang plus the 3 eBooks going with it.
In Fact, I'm so sure that i'm willing to make you a crazy  100% money back guarantee.
That is, if after buying the Advanced Bang Rule and reading it and you feel it had been a waste of money, call 07031839129 and ask for your money back, And it would be sent back to you within 48 hours - no questions asked.
How To Get Advanced Bang Rule Today
Like I said Earlier, Only 87 guys out of thousands of guys who will read this post will get it. This is because we would want to reduce the number of people who get our products due to piracy issues
Again, here is what you have to do to get the Advanced Bang Rule and all the bonus ebooks that come with it. Contact my Sales Manager, Nonso, and ask him for the buying details via this number
On  Watsapp: 08158068422
Call: 07031839129 (If we haven’t reached our selling limits, he will send you the price and buying details of the eBook)
Send: “How Do I Get the Bang Rule?” to and within 24 hours the price of the eBook and the buying details will be sent to you.
PS: If you still want to check out if my eBook will really help you; Visit my website and read all the articles there then make your decisions. If after getting the eBook and you think it’s a waste of money call 07031839129 and ask for your money back
Have an awesome day


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