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by John Uzie
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress is a normal part of life. Moderate stress keeps you on your toes when preparing for an examination, job interview, or carrying out a presentation in the office. Stress helps you confront challenges such as meeting a job deadline or working hard to earn a promotion in the office. Stress also helps you to avoid danger through quick reflex actions and heightened senses.

What causes stress is known as a stressor, major stressors include money troubles, relationship conflicts, problems at work, health problems, traumatic event and unachieved life goals. 

Minor stressors include traffic jam, loud noise, speeding vehicles, unpleasant people, and adverse weather conditions.

Stress alters the human body's biochemical and physiological processes. Recurrent, prolonged, and unresolved stress can lead to health problems such as headache, stomach pain, chest pain, sleeping problems, hypertension, diabetes, weak erection in man, menstrual irregularities in women, mental health problems, and cancer. 

A stress free life may not be attainable, but you can manage stress in your life to a safe level that protects your health. 

Here are some ways you can effectively manage stress:
1. Resolve interpersonal conflicts; disagreement and quarrels with your spouse, family members, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and associates should be amicably resolved to create a healthy atmosphere for interpersonal relationships. You need to make a conscious effort to tolerate and get along with people.

2. Plan your finances; a major source of stress is money troubles. Plan your budget based on your income, and live within your means. Avoid debts, save and invest for future needs.

3. Have a realistic view and balanced expectations of life; forget what you see in movies and social media, life is not always a bed of roses. People may disappoint you and your life goals may not work out as planned. A rational and realistic mindset about life will help you cope better in times of failure and disappointment.

4. Say "NO" when you have to; you say yes at times to requests and demands when you really wanted to say no. When you take on responsibilities that overwhelms you, your stress level builds up. Say no when you have to, do it in a nice and polite way.

5. Take time to relax and have fun; relaxation helps to ease physical, emotional and mental tension. Techniques for relaxation includes meditation, deep breathing exercises, taking a walk, listening to cool music, engaging yourself in a hobby, and fun activities. Fun activities help to lighten your mood.

6. Physical activities and exercise ; engaging in physical activities and exercise helps the body to maintain mental fitness, reduces fatigue and stress, improves alertness and concentration.

7. Adequate sleep and rest; when you have adequate sleep at the right time, it protects your physical and mental health. Lack of adequate sleep and rest affects your quality of life and safety.

8. Don't use alcohol and hard drugs to deal with the pressures of life ; alcohol and hard drugs keeps the body in a stressed state, and impairs your sense of judgment.

Stress when not well managed can cause health, relationship, and employment problems. A stressful life leads to poor enjoyment of life.


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