If you are single at this point of your life, you’ll probably relate with one or more these tweets about being single collated for you by INFORMATION NIGERIA this beautiful Saturday.
The old claim that relationships are not cheap
#SingleBecause I don't want to be broke
#SingleBecause Love was made by the bourgeoisie in order to distract the working class from seizing the means of production.
maybe i’m still #SingleBecause i didn’t forward that chain email to 17 of my closest friends 5 years ago
#SingleBecause it seems like nowadays relationships are all about who can hurt eachother more now
#SingleBecause i don't wanna have to take anyone else's feelings or thoughts into consideration in anything that I do.
#SingleBecause I really have a bad attitude and I know this but I'm working on it
#SingleBecause I didn't forward those chain text messages to at least 10 people back in 2009, honestly
Not ready to go to prison for killing a cheat*ng bae
#SingleBecause everyone's a snake and I'm not on going to jail for 25 to life due to being cheated on
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