If you have ever wondered why you're not scoring great success with your spouse during s*x, then you need to go through this.

Men rarely divulge their secret desires to the women in their lives
and though everyone has different needs and desires there are some
moves and attitudes that most men want.
Read on to find out what they are and then give him the time of his life!
1. Give some subtle suggestions
For men (even though he’s known you for a while now) a woman’s
libidinous longings are not always easy to decipher. If you drop some
hints about what all you want and guide him along, he will love you for
Trust us, the man who really loves you would love to please you in
every way possible. So, talk to him and tell him if he’s doing just what
you wanted or if you want him to continue with something a little
2. Bowl him over with a wild move
Do something unexpected and wild when you both are at it. Something
erotic that he will not be able to forget soon. Make your session stand
out by coming up with signature moves. Work on pleasuring him in
different ways.
3. Offer the spice of variety
Change in speed, positions and pressure can really make the entire
experience very different. Whether it is the foreplay or the actual act,
if there is variety he will never really know what to expect and
therefore it will help a great deal in revving up his senses.
4. Turn it on yourself
Since women take time to get turned on, men love women who can take
that responsibility off them so that he can actually get to work.
Though your man may love to do all that he needs to in order to get you
aroused but he would definitely like it if you were already half-way
there. Somehow the fact that you are already in an aroused state is a
huge thing for him.
5. Spring a surprise
For men it is a massive ego boost to know that you want him too.
Surprising him with a spontaneous seduction act can really win him. He
will not be likely to forget it in a hurry.
6. Don’t be scared to be naughty
Don’t hold back when you are with your guy. Yes, we know that you
have this ‘good-girl’ image that you hold sacred. Men like to see this
other side of you when you are not scared to break his ‘good-girl’ image
of you. They will never cause offense by actually asking you to do it.
Just show him that you are really into him and want him as much as he
wants you.
7. Give him an eyeful
Leaving something on your body, for him to remove can be very
arousing. When you are at it just make sure you are near a mirror so
that you can see yourselves in action. It can be hot.
8. Get rough
Yes, he wants it rough at times and he would love it if you let him
know that you want it too. Bring out the beast in him and tell him you
are having the time of your life.
9. Take over
Sometimes men just want you to take over while he just lies down and enjoys. It is an ultimate fantasy for them.
10. Wear his fav lingerie
Show him that you care by wearing his favourite lingerie.
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